The Idea Behind💡:

30th January 2020.
The first case of this global pandemic was reported in India. Since then there has been an exponential growth in the overall statistics of all the domains that revolve around the deadly COVID-19. This was, is and in the foreseeable future will remain a top notch SERIOUS ISSUE.

Owing to all of this, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, did much more harm to the regular homo sapien brain in addition to being fatal and highly deadly to the physical health as well.

Today the word CORONA is on every tongue, especially in India, and henceforth as a result it inhabits a good number of bodies, and a near infinite number of minds. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. This in turn is adversely affecting the overall lifestyle, state of mind, long term mental health, and all of this contributing to the physical health of folks round the globe.

We care about the enviroment

With a whole lot of hubbub about this corona, there’s a lack of in-person social connect of individuals which as per the reports has the following effect to quote: Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. However, these actions are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

SO OWING TO ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED STUFF, we’re ravelling the so called pseudo patients of COVID-19 remotely who’re stressed and have switched to a whole lot of negative mindset and would help them to get out of this futile dark state of mind, provide remedies to their issues, share their experiences, make them understand the myths, eradicate the fears, and to live a life as normal as they used to live in the pre pandemic times…

We’re different because these stated functionalities would not be provided by a special team only, but would also be facilitated by the general folks round the globe. It’s just like a virtual place of us, for us, and by us. The mantra we follow here is: I scratch your back, you scratch my back. Issues Resolved, which we could have never been able to, if were alone.